FY’17 Addiction And Behavioral Health Aide Counselor Training Academy
The Regional Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor Training (RADACT) Program is sponsoring a three-week training academy from Monday, September 19, 2016, through graduation Thursday evening, October 6, 2016, for Counselor Technician, Level One Counselors, and Behavioral Health Aides at the Crowne Plaza Midtown – Anchorage. Check in for students staying at the hotel will be Sunday, September 18, 2016 after 4:00 pm. Check out will be Friday, October 7, 2016 by noon. Classes will start at 8:00 am on Monday, September 19, 2016.
Completion of the academy will provide 112 training hours toward Counselor Technician certification or 112 hours toward upgrading from Counselor Technician to Level One Certification through the Alaska Commission for Behavioral Health Certification (ACBHC). For certification fees and additional information about certification requirements, contact ACBHC at 907-332-4333. The academy will also provide 112 hours toward Behavioral Health Aide certification through the Community Health Aide Program Certification Board.
Students may also have the additional opportunity to purchase academic credits through the University of Alaska, for their academy attendance. The purchase of academic credits is optional. Neither RADACT nor UAA guarantee that the credits will transfer toward a specific degree, or to a specific university. As the credits are 290 credits, your fee covers administrative costs only. This means that you pay a flat amount regardless of the number of credits you are purchasing.
There is a $2,786.00 non-refundable fee per trainee. The fee will cover housing for nineteen (19) days. Breakfast, lunch and dinner for fourteen (14) days will be provided, and breakfast only on Saturdays and Sundays. The fee will also cover tuition, textbooks, training manual, and miscellaneous student supplies such as pens, notepads, highlighters, etc.
Limited scholarships may be available through the Division of Behavioral Health. To be eligible for a scholarship you must be employed in a Behavioral Health funded program. Rural preference will be given. If you are eligible for a scholarship please complete the attached scholarship application form. Transportation to and from the academy, certification fees, the purchase of college credits, or lunch and dinner on Saturday’s and Sunday’s will not be a part of the scholarship award. Scholarship applications must be received by RADACT no later than 5:00 pm on Friday, August 19, 2016, and must include both the applicant’s and supervisor’s letter regarding the scholarship.
Trainees will be staying in shared non-smoking suites. Each trainee will share a suite with one other student. Each suite has two beds, with a microwave and a small refrigerator.
Single rooms are available at an additional cost.
Academy cost for students not requiring housing is $1,137.00. This will include tuition for fourteen (14) days, lunch, textbooks, training manuals, and all necessary supplies.
This three week training academy will be an intensive learning experience, with classroom days from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Students will stay at the training facility, and will take their meals together Monday through Friday. Because RADACT will contract for meals Monday through Friday, there will be no reimbursement for trainees who decide to eat away from the facility. Lunch and Dinner will not be provided on Saturday and Sunday. Breakfast only will be provided on weekends for students staying at the hotel.
If you need financial assistance, you can contact directly one of the State of Alaska Job Centers nearest to you. Google: Alaska Job Center. Under Alaska Job Center network click on workplace Center. You can then find the Alaska Job Center nearest to you.
All students applying to the academy will receive a letter acknowledging receipt of their Application. If you do not hear from us do not assume we have received your registration.
A place will not be reserved for you in the academy until all funds have been received by RADACT. Students with properly completed applications, and full payment included, will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.
If any have any further questions regarding the academy, or you have not received a letter confirming your registration, please contact Virginia Zutz or Janet Carter at the RADACT office, 907-563-9202, between 8:00 am until 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.